Brain Science & You: You Make a Difference Every Day

Brain Science & You: You Make a Difference Every Day | Accrescent Institute

In this on-demand video training, explore how neuroscience connects to your children's behaviors and growth, and how to apply the science and theory to your choices as a child care provider, building strong foundations for your children and positive communication with the families you serve. 

You'll Learn: 
- Identify how individuality, development, past memories, and environment inform a child’s behavior and growth.

- Observe and plan for the environmental and sensory impacts on a child’s memories, behavior, and learning.

- Collaborate and identify environmental adjustments that will promote the child’s growth and learning.

Learn How Brain Science applies to your choices as a child care provider 

[3 part video training, totaling 70 minutes]

As Presented at the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) Conferences

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 Brain Science & You - On Demand Training
 $ 15.00 USD

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